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Our highly professional team of professionals and service providers will offer you the best solutions based on good practice.

Window specialists advise:

What you need to know about plastic windows, maintenance, repair and ventilation.

In order to store heat at home and ensure good ventilation in the premises, it is necessary to pay attention to the existing rubber gaskets

Why change gaskets? The service life of rubber gaskets is 5-7 years. If you have not performed any maintenance on the rubber gasket during this period, (you have not cleaned or lubricated the silicone) the rubber gaskets become ineffective and pass cold, noise, and moisture starts to accumulate indoors. Improperly operated rubber gasket loses elasticity, hardens are easily affected by temperature changes: due to heat - it adheres to the window profile, becomes like chewing gum, due to cold - cracks and hardens, so the tightness of the window insulation material decreases, noise from outside easily and cold to the premises. If moisture and cold penetrate through a closed window, one of the signs is that worn gaskets are no longer performing their function. And heat is lost through leaky windows.

 We recommend changing the rubber gaskets to German Q-LON polyurethane gaskets.

In Germany, the Schlegel gasket has a 5-year warranty. The gasket does not lose its insulating properties for more than 21 years. This gasket does not require additional maintenance throughout its service life. Low thermal conductivity coefficient (K) - 0.033w / mk. Does not attract or allow moisture to enter the premises. By tidying up the windows and changing the window seals, you will raise the temperature in the room and avoid excess mold and moisture.

The gasket is resistant to ultraviolet rays, cold, heat, chemical cleaners. No additional maintenance required. Although your windows will be 10 years or more, they will serve you like new again.

Water filter RO-6 (with computer control)

Drinking water filter RO-6 water treatment system with computer control Functional features: American technology.

Window gasket Q-Lon

Why change gaskets? The service life of rubber gaskets is 5-7 years. If you have not performed any maintenance on the rubber gasket during this period, (you have not cleaned or lubricated with silicone) the rubber gaskets become ineffective and pass cold, noise, and moisture starts to accumulate indoors.

Window valves AIR-BOX (eco)

The Air-Box ECO is a ventilation valve with a filter for people with allergies, which filters the air entering from the outside with noise protection and cleaning the incoming air from pollen, dust, spores and soot from residential, public and industrial buildings with mechanical or natural ventilation.

Window valve AIR-BOX (eco) video explanation